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Healthy crunchy ice cream

    Healthy crunchy ice cream

    Healthy crunchy ice cream

    Healthy crunchy ice cream recipe

    Prep time: 7 minutes             Freezing time: 2 hours.

    water melon icey


    370g/13.1oz: water melon

    2 tsp: crushed sugar

    4 pinch: sesame seeds (optional)


    Cut water melon into 2cm thick long strips.

    With cookie cutter or knife cut out circle, triangle, star or any shape.

    Put ice cream sticks into water melon shapes.

    Sprinkle sugar and sesame seeds on each side of the water melon shapes.

    Refrigerate them and then enjoy healthy ice cream.


    This recipe will make 3 shapes.

    You can cut the remaining water melon into cubes and serve it in a bowl as well.

    Cut the water melon into thick shapes that it can’t break.

    If you are on diet or sugar patient u can skip sugar.

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