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Center Page Title

Center Page Title

    Centre Page Title, who would of thought. Title aligned in center of page How to center page title Center the Posts Title centre page title in divi divi theme make page title centered I searched over 2 hours on google using those as my search words. Nothing, nada. Until i used these words “page title centered WP” lo and… Read More »Center Page Title

    6G & 5G Firewall Protection?

    6G & 5G Firewall Protection?

      what is 6G & 5G Firewall Protection. I’ve been searching the net for videos and then articles on the subject of 6G & 5G Firewall Protection, and it was very hard to find a simple easy to understand explanation. I just wanted to know if i should enable 6G & 5G Firewall Protection on WP… Read More »6G & 5G Firewall Protection?

      SSL Integration

      SSL Integration

        SSL Integration Integration of SSL into GoDaddy hosting for a website. First of all purchase an SSL I recommend the cheapest as you just don’t want google scaring of your viewers with their warnings up top. After purchase, you will go to your order on purchase website and select Generate Cert Now. Then you will start the order… Read More »SSL Integration

        htaccess forced HTTPS

        htaccess forced HTTPS

          Using .htaccess file to force HTTPS.
          Fix .htaccess to process website assets such as CSS and JavaScript under HTTPS

          Social Sharing Title issue

          Social Sharing Title issue

            Social Sharing Title showing twice? Go to the header.php file in your template folder and make sure that between the title tags, there’s only this code: That should do the trick. This error is a combination of your template files with standard settings of the Yoast SEO plugin.

            Post Slider

            Post Slider

              Post Slider alignment issue Post Slider formerly known as Post Slider WD has some bugs and seaming word press has not evolved to have a custom widget area or a center page widget we are left with post slider just placing each slider on top of one another leaving the rest of your page/post looking… Read More »Post Slider

              Facebook JavaScript SDK

              Facebook JavaScript SDK

                JavaScript SDK I’ve been wondering about this for a while and finally figured out where to place the FaceBook JavaScript SDK. For me it’s in relation to the Like & Share buttons for the facebook page of Wanttono, so Facebook  shows you two code snippets. Copy the first code (SDK) snippet and paste it in your theme… Read More »Facebook JavaScript SDK

                Child Theme

                Child Theme

                  WP Child Theme A child theme is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of another theme, called the parent theme. Child themes are the recommended way of modifying an existing theme.   Note: ThemeName= Parent Theme /* Theme Name: ThemeName Child Theme URI: Description:ThemeName Child Theme Author: Your Name Author URI: Template:DomainName… Read More »Child Theme

                  Align Banners

                  Align Banners

                    To align images or banners next to each other in a row: Instead of paying for a Plugin horizontally align images and banners you could try this: Here is the code I used: <div style = “text-align:center”> <div style=”display: inline-block; margin-right: 1px”> [YOUR FIRST WORDPRESS CAPTIONED IMAGE or banner code] </div> <div style=”display: inline-block; margin-right:… Read More »Align Banners