International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day is a day devoted solely to female empowerment commemorated worldwide to honor women’s accomplishments, credibility, and significance.
Women should have the same privileges and significance as men because they are the leading cause for the world’s peaceful functioning.
Women are essentially a very cornerstone that holds humanity’s foundation together to rise to greater heights and achieve whatever it desires.
On the other hand, women are not only degraded but also overlooked in society, and they have no freedom to practice their own will in a community that needs to be reformed.
If the ladies are happy and content, the entire community will be as well.
On March 8, the entire world celebrates International Women’s Day, honoring women’s contributions to society and culture while also standing up for their rights and acknowledgment.
On this day, the entire globe celebrates and recognizes a single woman’s efforts to serve society by overcoming a series of problems that the rest of the world is uninterested in learning about or paying attention to.

Why celebrate this day:
March 8th is commemorated every year as International Women’s Day, since the largest woman protest in history took place on March 8, 1917, in Russia during World War 1, when women walked out of their homes to fight for their rights.
They requested alleviation from the food crisis and the end of the war on this day. Apart from that, on this day, individuals worldwide get together to work on and discuss common concerns and obstacles that women face every day.
These include sexual harassment, unemployment, abuse, unfairness, lack of rights, oppression, and lack of freedom, to name a few.
Clara Zetkin put forward a proposal that includes celebrating or dedicating a day for women.
Since then, this day was recognized as the International Women’s Day at the International Conference of Working Women in 1910, which was later accepted after the protest in Russia.
By: Bahaar Abdullah