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My lost self

My lost self

    My lost self My lost self “You have penetrated my blood, when I sigh, it feels like there is blood dripping inside my heart and cuts in my body. Still, I keep thinking about you, I want to see how far you can stay in my head after seeing me wither away each day, I… Read More »My lost self

    What we want

    What we want

      What we want What we want Life is all about what we do, What we think, What we want, What we need and What we achieve, It is very important for a person to know what exactly he/she has to do in his/her life. So that in the future all those surrounding that person will… Read More »What we want

      Scarab Like

      Scarab Like

        Scarab Like Waking up to a Scarab Like insects 4 x 2 cm borrowed in and attached to both my legs. Remove my blanket to find Scarab Like things on both my Calf’s, in shock i try to pull them off and my fingers slip right over them as they a oval Shaped and stuck… Read More »Scarab Like

        Daemon monster

        Daemon monster

          Daemon or monster i don’t know if this was a daemon or a monster 🙁 elongated neck flies (large winged) up in trees, swoop down on its victims (humans) bite/ eating their neck one was among the humans in human form laughing and taunting one of the daemons/monsters, so when the daemon/monster bit him, he… Read More »Daemon monster



            Dreams are a strange phenomena It is strange that dreams are still not understood to the full complexity of its levels.