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    OPM_IN_Allow OPM_IN_Allow (OPM_IN_Allow_8061) What is OPM_IN_Allow? Searching for OPM_IN_Allow_8061 on Google showed no results. Searching for OPM_IN_Allow on Google showed no results. Searching for OPM IN Allow on Google showed only results for OPM only so nothing on OPM_IN_Allow. I found this OPM_IN_Allow_8061 thing on the Allow app to communicate through Windows Defender firewall page… Read More »OPM_IN_Allow



      FWAListenerAllow FWAListenerAllow (FWAListenerAllow_1514) What is FWA Listener Allow? Searching on Google FWAListenerAllow_1514 showed no results. Searching on Google FWAListenerAllow showed no results. Searching on Google FWA Listener Allow with spaces showed some results only for FWA. I found this FWAListenerAllow thing on the Allow app to communicate through Windows Defender firewall page in my Windows… Read More »FWAListenerAllow

      6G & 5G Firewall Protection?

      6G & 5G Firewall Protection?

        what is 6G & 5G Firewall Protection. I’ve been searching the net for videos and then articles on the subject of 6G & 5G Firewall Protection, and it was very hard to find a simple easy to understand explanation. I just wanted to know if i should enable 6G & 5G Firewall Protection on WP… Read More »6G & 5G Firewall Protection?