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A journey from Fear to Love

A journey from Fear to Love

    A journey from Fear to Love A journey from Fear to Love: Fear never allows one to move ahead in life or cross the ambit of confusion. And nobody thinks on a vast level until and unless he crosses that border of fear. My fear always intimidated me from discovering new things and new ideas.… Read More »A journey from Fear to Love

    New dating concept!

    New dating concept!

      Dating just anyone Wont find you Love. Dating Can really suck trying to find a suitable partner. You ever think you don’t want to waist your first love experience with someone who has already been around the block. Your first love experience with someone who doesn’t feel that exact same emotion because its not their… Read More »New dating concept!

      Love is to Life

      Love is to Life

        Living is to love After watching Highlander: Endgame just now looking out my window seeing the sunlight flickering on a tree leaf while listening to that last song of the movie I realize, we must be born to Love. See if God or those of you who do not believe in God then existence, wanted… Read More »Love is to Life