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Center Page Title

Center Page Title

    Centre Page Title, who would of thought. Title aligned in center of page How to center page title Center the Posts Title centre page title in divi divi theme make page title centered I searched over 2 hours on google using those as my search words. Nothing, nada. Until i used these words “page title centered WP” lo and… Read More »Center Page Title



      Free Post Create a Free post here on       It’s not everywhere you get the opportunity to post your thoughts and experiences as a whole online so as long as it’s not offensive to anyone, your welcome to make an account and make posts here for the world to see and read and hopefully enjoy… Read More »FREE POST

      Post Slider

      Post Slider

        Post Slider alignment issue Post Slider formerly known as Post Slider WD has some bugs and seaming word press has not evolved to have a custom widget area or a center page widget we are left with post slider just placing each slider on top of one another leaving the rest of your page/post looking… Read More »Post Slider