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    SearchOye is Pakistan’s First Search Engine.

    A Pakistani-focused search engine with non-personalized ads. It will not show you ads that are being influenced by your browsing history, IP address, personal information, or browser cookies.

    What Data they Collect: They store the most (highly) searched keywords and geo-location (only Provinces or Country names). It doesn’t mean they are collecting or selling this data, it is just for audience-mapping (as they are in beta mode, they are making changes and they need some data for that).

    What They Don’t Store: They are not acquiring any person to type his/her name, phone number, ID, or anything like that in any form on our search engine pages. They are not collecting such data and thus, they are not storing it or reselling it.

    Why Search Oye?: They are into the testing-phase and currently running some background checks. They are developing a crawler and index with data from this project. If you use this search engine, they can have enough inputs to make the final project useful and unique.

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