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Post Slider

    Post Slider

    Post Slider alignment issue

    Post Slider formerly known as Post Slider WD has some bugs and seaming word press has not evolved to have a custom widget area or a center page widget we are left with post slider just placing each slider on top of one another leaving the rest of your page/post looking half empty depending on the dimensions of your sliders (i like mine small so i can fit a few in a row) any how took me a while to accept this (Took me  week of searching to realise there was no Solution) but you can actually have them in a row aligned next to one another in the actual footer widget, so for now we’re just going to have to be happy with the footer area if you want to keep the sides free for ads etc.

    so, Appearance – Widgets – Add post slider WD to Default footer and then Edit it how you like 🙂


    Post slider wd pic



    Post Slider WD

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