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GTA Picture Issue

    GTA Picture Issue

    GTA 5 Visual issue scrambled picture

    GTA V is my Favourite game probably the only game i play and now this Bloody issue, very bad picture.

    I have not yet found the solution. will update this post when i do.



    gta picture

    GTA V picture problem









    So after restoring my MSI GE62 2QL Apache laptop to a fresh Win 10 Install, i tried using the GTA INSTALL TOOL from last year to download and install GTA V, i also downloaded a copy of GTA files as a zip file because the install tool takes ages even at 2.5mb a sec because it keeps dropping out, placing the unzipped files in the the GTA download folder to hurry it up the second time did actually made the download process a lot faster but still the same issue. so the solution was: i logged into my socialclub account at from where i had bought the GTA V game originally and turns out they had updated the GTAV Setup Tool a couple of months a go. after installing this and using it to download GTA 5 , it had less drop outs in the download connection and when it was complete it actually worked ferfectly. so hay guys don’t always blame your Graphics card, sometimes it can be the files 🙂


    GTA SocialClub


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