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bitcoin crypto finder Scam

    bitcoin crypto finder Scam

    bitcoin crypto finder is a SCAM!

    I personally tested this scam of a website.

    I found that they pull it off by placing fake results on their page.

    They also make fake comments using fake accounts on their youtube video.

    Below are the screenshots of my adventure.

    Apparently bitcoin crypto finder only requires a 0.004 BTc be sent to them and they will more then double it for you.

    Well just to make sure it worked right i sent them 0.0051 and nothing, NADA.

    As you will see below it’s a different deposit address every time you run this.

    I hadn’t taken a screenshot at the time but the address that appeared when i made the transfer is the one in my coinspot transactions.

    bitcoin crypto finder scam
    bitcoin crypto finder scam
    bitcoin crypto finder
    bitcoin crypto finder
    bitcoin crypto finder

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