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IQ Option

    IQ Option

    IQ Option

    IQ Option

    This world has been turned into a competition, where everyone is in the hassle to earn more and more. Investing money is the best way to grow money. IQ Option is NOT one of those investments, the mobile application and website are designed to lure poor and keek-minded individuals in for fast cash.

    IQ option software was manufactured in 2013 and it gained popularity mainly through YouTube ads and advertisements on Twitter. The advertisement is so full of Brain Washing that they fascinate the viewer into trying it out and they then invest money that was supposed to be used for their children.

    You can trade as low as $10 but that pulls you in even more. The minimum investing amount varies by country. Also, it is recommended to use the demo account instead of the real account cause of some risk factors. But the choice is always available.

    The investing methodology in IQ Option is the same as any other investing platform. There are two graphs on the screen indicating the increase and decrease in the value of the currency or trades. The user trades the currency from one currency to another and bets on what’s going up or down.

    The green portion of the graph shows that in near future the value of the selected currency will increase. Similarly, the red portion shows the fall in the value of the selected currency. There are two options at the top to buy and sell.

    By pressing buy, the trader trades the amount from one currency to another. Pressing sell will lead to selling the currency to another trader.

    Besides these investing techniques, IQ Option provides training for expert trading. you best watch out not to leave your money sitting in there for too long, as they can charge you for keeping funds not being used, someone lost $300 just sitting there for 2 years.

    Besides all these benefits and attractions, IQ Option is not a good option to grow money. It requires great courage to invest in IQ Option because of the 90% risk of losing money. The website provides initial earnings to the traders in order to increase the attraction to invest more.

    But then, the only loss will be the destiny of the trader.

    By: Bahaar Abdullah

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