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Ebike keeps stopping

Ebike keeps stopping

    Ebike keeps stopping – Ebike’s have a safety feature on the breaks so the motor won’t turn on while you have the breaks pulled.

    Social Sharing Title issue

    Social Sharing Title issue

      Social Sharing Title showing twice? Go to the header.php file in your template folder and make sure that between the title tags, there’s only this code: That should do the trick. This error is a combination of your template files with standard settings of the Yoast SEO plugin.

      Post Slider

      Post Slider

        Post Slider alignment issue Post Slider formerly known as Post Slider WD has some bugs and seaming word press has not evolved to have a custom widget area or a center page widget we are left with post slider just placing each slider on top of one another leaving the rest of your page/post looking… Read More »Post Slider