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    Cloudflare is a great platform for Content creators and Publishers.
    For your average joe like me, its the Free 15 year SSL, Website Cashing, Threat and Spam protection.

    SSL Integration

    SSL Integration

      SSL Integration Integration of SSL into GoDaddy hosting for a website. First of all purchase an SSL I recommend the cheapest as you just don’t want google scaring of your viewers with their warnings up top. After purchase, you will go to your order on purchase website and select Generate Cert Now. Then you will start the order… Read More »SSL Integration

      SSL Cheap

      SSL Cheap

        Cheap Affordable SSL is where I go to get SSL for my websites, they offer the cheapest guarantee and at the end of the day we just don’t want google ruining our experience with owning and running a webpage/ Blog because they decide to change the rules and deem every site without SSL as being some… Read More »SSL Cheap

        htaccess forced HTTPS

        htaccess forced HTTPS

          Using .htaccess file to force HTTPS.
          Fix .htaccess to process website assets such as CSS and JavaScript under HTTPS