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Laser Keyboards

    Laser Keyboards

    Laser Keyboards

    The world is advancing day by day bring new innovations every day. The laser keyboard is one of those fabulous inventions.

    The laser keyboard uses Bluetooth to connect to the device. The device can be a phone, laptop, computer, or any device that facilitates Bluetooth connectivity.

    The laser keyboard was originally launched in 2002 by Korea. Later, many iterations were launched. With every iteration, the errors and flaws got updated.

    A small projector is used to project the keyboard module anywhere on a flat surface. The surface should be friendly to type the words. Otherwise, it is up to the user which surface suits the best.

    The keyboard works the same as normal keyboards. The projector is easy to set up. Along with that, the design and colors of the keyboard can be adjusted according to the taste of the user.

    The working mechanism of the laser keyboard is mapped on infrared rays with a couple of sensors detecting the finger’s movement above the projected keyboard. A projector projects the image of the keyboard on the surface giving a look of a real-world keyboard.

    When a key position is pressed on the projected keyboard, the infrared light is reflected from the surface. This action activates the sensor to detect which key is pressed.

    The user touches the keys on the keyboard’s projected image and the response is sent through Bluetooth to the device. The device interprets the keystroke and outputs accordingly.

    As for the usage and interface of the keyboard, many designs and ranges regarding cost and projector quality are available. Along with a USB facility for connectivity.

    Although it is an old technology but not common yet. People prefer using a manual keyboard over an infrared keyboard because there exist some flaws in using projectors. First, the laptop keyboards already fulfill the requirements. Second, professionally manual keyboards are preferred.

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    By: Bahaar Abdullah

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