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A World of Dominance?

A World of Dominance?

    Why do we live in a World of Dominance? Why do we live in a world where one is better than the other or is striving to be better than another. Our reality is bound by competition, who is better than the other, even in heaven one gets a better deal than the other if… Read More »A World of Dominance?

    You are Not Free

    You are Not Free

      You are Not Free You are not free, even if you had all the money in the world. You are bound and depend of people to do things for you even if you have to pay them, you are still asking /begging them. You depend on the air you breath, you can not own air… Read More »You are Not Free

      Internet a Necessity?

      Internet a Necessity?

        The Internet is a Necessity.  Its funny how some people out there still thing the internet is like a library book or a pay TV connection they can afford to return or turn off. The internet is an unlimited array of phone-books, maps, guides, jobs, emails, entertainment, shopping, dating, training, courses, education, encyclopedias, research, news,… Read More »Internet a Necessity?

        Free Energy

        Free Energy

          Free Energy Exists and has been for years! Here is a few examples and links to them!

          Love is to Life

          Love is to Life

            Living is to love After watching Highlander: Endgame just now looking out my window seeing the sunlight flickering on a tree leaf while listening to that last song of the movie I realize, we must be born to Love. See if God or those of you who do not believe in God then existence, wanted… Read More »Love is to Life

            Song Conversion to Pashtu

            Song Conversion to Pashtu

              Convert an inspirational song to a Pashtu Language I figured this is the right time for the Pashtu (Pashtoon) people to be inspired by this song like it did for the rest of the world.   We Are The World Lyrics:   There comes a time When we heed a certain call When the world must come… Read More »Song Conversion to Pashtu



                Responsibility turns a male adult into a MAN Age does not make you a man, Responsibility Does! Age just makes you old, but taking responsibility for your life and decisions make you a man. Decisions like your health, education, money, marriage and kids are your responsibility if you choose to take it! They then turn… Read More »Responsibility

                Dumb Shit

                Dumb Shit

                  Say Some Dumb Shit! Sometimes i think, am i an alien or do people say some dumb shit! Sometimes you might lose faith in ppl’s ability to learn or learn fast enough. Its totally ok if you don’t know something but if you’re not retarded and i have to explain things over and over again.… Read More »Dumb Shit



                    Telemarketer or salesmen.  We are brought up on the notion that calling someone too much on a constant basis is harassment and a chargeable offense and even a form of stalking but I guess this does not apply to the infamous telemarketer. I’ve had just about enough of the Indians calling me a month ago,… Read More »Telemarketer

                    Influence in Life

                    Influence in Life

                      Are we meant to influence their life? When we give advice or asking for help, are we changing or an influence on someone’s life? one might say, yes it’s good to change a life, changing one’s life for the better as we see it, is a good thing right? How does one know whether it’s good or not,… Read More »Influence in Life

                      Life to Heaven

                      Life to Heaven

                        Life to Heaven What if life was the school to Heaven? Think about it, heaven is a place of wonder, happiness, excitement, joy, love, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Aren’t these what we strive for all our lives? Doesn’t that make sense? Maybe we are put on earth in order to understand these feelings and when we… Read More »Life to Heaven