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    Telemarketer or salesmen.  We are brought up on the notion that calling someone too much on a constant basis is harassment and a chargeable offense and even a form of stalking but I guess this does not apply to the infamous telemarketer. I’ve had just about enough of the Indians calling me a month ago,… Read More »Telemarketer

    Influence in Life

    Influence in Life

      Are we meant to influence their life? When we give advice or asking for help, are we changing or an influence on someone’s life? one might say, yes it’s good to change a life, changing one’s life for the better as we see it, is a good thing right? How does one know whether it’s good or not,… Read More »Influence in Life

      Life to Heaven

      Life to Heaven

        Life to Heaven What if life was the school to Heaven? Think about it, heaven is a place of wonder, happiness, excitement, joy, love, fulfillment, and satisfaction. Aren’t these what we strive for all our lives? Doesn’t that make sense? Maybe we are put on earth in order to understand these feelings and when we… Read More »Life to Heaven

        Publish all Drafts

        Publish all Drafts

          Publish all Drafts If you want to Publish many drafts at once in wordpress, On the Edit Posts page, click on the checkbox at the top of the left-most column to select all the posts on the page, then select Edit under the Bulk Actions dropdown. Click Apply and change the Status drop down to… Read More »Publish all Drafts

          When it Rains

          When it Rains

            ­ When it rains trees and vegetation grows ­ Maybe just like some animals are hairier than others that might live in the snow or cold environments and we, people wear more layers as it gets cold, when it rains trees and vegetation grow . yes just another crazy thought ay

            Asking questions

            Asking questions

              Asking questions Asking questions is true intelligence! Think about it, if you don’t ask yourself questions or others then we wouldn’t know anything. It’s only when we ask ourselves is when we know that we don’t know and then can find out and learn.

              Flat Earth

              Flat Earth

                Flat Earth Answers … and The Truth WILL set YOU FREE ! … If this Flat Earth Theory is true and I must say starting to sound like it, what on earth! this is crazy! how could someone do this, I assume the person/persons that started the big LIE must have died a long time… Read More »Flat Earth



                  2/7/2016 Its 2/7/2016 and I just woke up from this dream: Warning: scary, horror. Driving in a stolen sports car doing a massively wide turn at a roundabout in the wilderness, then hitting one of two police cars as we slide around and crash into a boulder and tumble through the grassy plains to crash into… Read More »2/7/2016



                    Is it meant to be a future or alien weapon of some sort, or just a random figment of my imagination and where did it come from?



                      Parasite Parasite of the future. Walking through villages and jungles I heard stories of such a Parasite creature that may even have encountered them in the past. A young one asks ‘Are such things real? To which I reply ‘Yes of course, they whiz past at such a speed, vibrating at a frequency that if… Read More »Parasite

                      Aivan Rostove

                      Aivan Rostove

                        Key name: Aivan Rostove Yes the name of the key is Aivan Rostove so the dream goes something like this: walking along a very rocky earth, stumbling upon large cracks in the earth notice giant boulders in the earth trying to escape upwards but being held down by the rocky earth in the massive crack. curious! compadre… Read More »Aivan Rostove



                          Dreams are a strange phenomena It is strange that dreams are still not understood to the full complexity of its levels.