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Life Found under Antarctica

Life Found under Antarctica

    Life Found under Antarctica Life Found under Antarctica; Life has been difficult in Antarctica because of severe cold temperatures. The temperature on a windy and dry day can fall below -60°C. This temperature makes life even for humans impossible to exist for long. The researchers on 16 February 2021 accidentally discovered life under the deadly… Read More »Life Found under Antarctica

    Inhuman acts of humans

    Inhuman acts of humans

      Inhuman acts of humans Inhuman acts of humans, Just came through a heart-wrenching incident that took place outside. Where the cruelty of humanity and justice could be seen very clearly. Truly, I was taken aback to see two parties contracting for an animal to fulfill the Sunnah of Prophet Ibrahim and to sacrifice that animal… Read More »Inhuman acts of humans

      Legacy of Books

      Legacy of Books

        Legacy of Books Legacy of Books It’s strange that we’ve much relish to adopt the ‘in vogue’ accessories than to modify the conventional words of our books. That’s why, in the vacancy of it, most students are reluctant to open the book and rapt the stuff written a century ago. The authorities pay heed to… Read More »Legacy of Books

        English a necessary evil

        English a necessary evil

          English a necessary evil English: A necessary evil? Over the past two centuries, English has established itself as the lingua franca of the world. 400 million people speak English as a first language and close to a billion people speak it as a second language. English has become the language of scientific research and commerce.… Read More »English a necessary evil

          Vocational Training in Pakistan

          Vocational Training in Pakistan

            National Human Development Report revealed that 64% of Pakistan’s population is less than 30 years that makes it the youngest population in Asia.

            Prison a suitable punishment

            Prison a suitable punishment

              Prison, a suitable punishment prison a suitable punishment, Is prison a suitable punishment? Instead of giving wrongdoers simple and community service punishments, this has been a tradition in every country to put the people behind the bars for committing first-time and even minor offenses. Which, apparently cost millions to feed and provide them with luxurious… Read More »Prison a suitable punishment

              CHILD MARRIAGE

              CHILD MARRIAGE

                CHILD MARRIAGE CHILD MARRIAGE Considering child marriage in Pakistan is quite challenging mostly because of its associations with culture, tradition, and above all religion. Social norms are hardly established in mass communities which affect the decision-making of parents and especially girls or early age. A cause for this can be the lack of education in… Read More »CHILD MARRIAGE

                STOP CHILD ABUSE

                STOP CHILD ABUSE

                  STOP CHILD ABUSE STOP CHILD ABUSE – ROLE OF PARENTS Parents should know that nothing is more important than their child’s mental and physical health, also the person who is committing this shameful act must be punished. Sometimes parents neglect their children, I’m talking about someone who is a close friend or a family member.… Read More »STOP CHILD ABUSE

                  HONOR KILLING

                  HONOR KILLING

                    HONOR KILLING Honor killing is the worst kind of violent act done with females. People kill their daughters, sisters, and mothers and it is not considered, as a specific act against Islam.  They forget killing someone is also not allowed in Islam. The ratio of honor killing is more in villages and backward areas because… Read More »HONOR KILLING

                    Extinction of wildlife

                    Extinction of wildlife

                      Extinction of wildlife Extinction of wildlife The International Union For Conservation Of Nature & Climate Change Pakistan has created the red list of endangered wildlife which includes more than 50 animals that are near extinction. That has caused an alarming situation for the ecosystem and wildlife habitat of Pakistan. Although, this is a blessed country… Read More »Extinction of wildlife

                      Women status in Pakistan

                      Women status in Pakistan

                        Women status in Pakistan Women status in Pakistan society (past & present) Women and men are two wheels of a car, on one wheel the car cannot perform its function.  Well similarly if women nowadays in this underdeveloped country cannot work shoulder to shoulder with a man so they cannot achieve success because women are… Read More »Women status in Pakistan